We both have mental issues, hers requires medication and mine got me put on disability for post trauma anxiety disorder/panic attack disorder, along with major depression causing suicidal ideations.
Since July 2016 we have had nothing but stresses put on us. We took her to the E.R. because she was convinved she had another urinary tract infection and found out her pain was caused by fibroid tumors in her uterus and stones in her gallbladder. These require surgical ramoval. Getting her health insurance was hard but she got it pretty quickly due to the urgency, still initial appointments were weeks or months away.
In august we got a 60 day notice from the manager to move in retaliation for calling code enforcement over the really shoddy construction the maintenance crew did on rebuilding the deck above my patio. Now we have more stress because the manager will not change her mind even after Barbara went to talk to her about the surgeries. The hysterectomy was scheduled for Oct. 14th and our final day to be moved was the 16th, but none of that mattered to the manager because she was mad we called code enforcement. Fight to stay or find a new place and move....which one? We eventually got tired of the situation and moved into a house where we rent a room with 2 others.
With that handled her surgery day came, I spent the whole time with my wife in the hospital. It was a whole 2 days(OOH). Then I took care of her while she recovered. Lots of pain. Gallbladder came next and this one was easier on her. When she had the presurgical testing done it revealed unusual thyroid function, so now we have another health thing to wonder about.
Now we have stresses of normal life. One of them is us fighting when Barbara has a mental moment, her chem balance is off and she becomes 'Dark Barbara' who likes to instigate fights causing me an anxiety attack, then when I get upset in the same way every time this happens suddenly she thinks I got upset with no provocation. Then she jumps down my throat about every little thing I say, taking what I said out of context and changing it to my annoyance, never will admit she did anything to lead up to me getting upset, nor does she think she has any reason to apologize for her actions but wants me to do so for mine and accept responsibility for her actions too.
For months we have been talking about getting a place either with my little sister or our friend Gino then out of nowhere on Feb. 5th Barbara tells me she suddenly will not allow us to move in with sis bringing up good reasons but in a cold heartless way. I didn't want to relay the info knowing it would cause my sis great upset so I told Barb she'll have to tell her when the time comes. Since sis was getting a car the next day after 4 years trying I advised Barb not call her that day or the next so as to not ruin her celebration and good mood. I left for a bit on the 6th to drop Gino off at his favorite hangout and Barbara decided to go behind my back after promising not to and called sis. When I got back there was an upset message from her. In finding out why I got mad at Barbara for the sneaky move and breaking the promise she made the day before. Like usual we started fighting.

Barbara was back in to that mood again. To me and my sister it was all settled after a couple of days, but Barbara had to keep it going between her and me. I kept wanting to react a certain way but found myself more irritated than I expected.
After a few more days the topic was still making us argue I noticed me reacting to her with flash reactions, being a lot more irritable than normal, even saying things before I realized I said anything then wondering why. Something was going on with my condition again and I needed to figure it out. As more days went by that Barbara just would not let it go or accepting the fact we sill not be living with my sister, I started to see what was happening in me and track it to the original source. After so much health crap the thyroid thing made me think 'are you fucking kidding us?!?' adding the possibility of cancer to the mix.
It all started to become clear. I was heading to another anxiety meltdwon. All the extra panic attacks, high anxiety...it's been building up for the last month and keeping me on an extra sharp edge! Plus Sheila's birthday is on the 1st and I always get a little edgy, so it just became too much to control any more than I had. With Barbara's biopsy coming on thursday(the 23rd) so we can find out if it's cancer this was a really bad time for this meltdown. No wonder she can't tell if I love her lately. These thoughts were on Tuesday the 21st. All that day and Wednesday I got it all together in my head so I could talk to Barb and straighten everything out, as well as make it right for how my disorder was hurting her lately.
We went to the biopsy, came home to chill until I went to do a quick side job for cigarette money, an hour later I went. As I left I say "I'll see you when I get back" then blow her a kiss while thinking 'when I get back I'll have my thoughts gathered and fix the fighting. After doing the job I stop on my way home at the smoke shop because I know we're out of cigs. I'm looking forward to having one with my wife when I get home and fixing our marriage, but she's taking a nap when I get there. Now I wait in the living room for her to come out. 2 hours later a really bad panic attack comes from nowhere. It has me distracted for a bit. Going to the bathroom I see her sundries are gone, reaction: "HUH? Strange."
Then I go to the bedroom, opening the door it looks like the bed is empty so I turn on the light. No Barbara, her suitcase is gone, a clipboard on the bed has a piece of paper, on it is written:
Sam, when I got sick you told me to run for my life, called yourself a walking cancerstick, and told me I would be better off without you. I completely agree. I went back to Florida and do not want any contact with you ever again. You lost your wife, thank you and goodbye!
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ReplyDeleteThank you for the compliment. You seem to have a like personal insight into her as I do. If so, sorry to hear she got you too.
ReplyDeleteBe well, and check out Dana Morningstar's video series "Red flags of a narcissist". I have a feeling it might make sense to you.