Thursday, May 1, 2014

Now I get serious

 It was obvious by May that this book thing was really happening. I learned to care for the laptop so it doesn't crash, figured out some tricks when it did, and was nearing 200 pages having no idea how long my book was Really. The breakthrough is that I finally admitted to 2 people what I was doing. I'm writing a book!
 Time to get serious about this now. I had done a little looking into how one publishes a book, taking the first route that came to mind. How do they choose? When I'm not writing I'm looking at the publishing house websites. Unless I were a celebrity they are hard to impress. I also keep seeing the hint that they only talk to Agents. So looking into the publishing companies is a waste of time for me, I need an agent.
 However, there is a thing called "Self publishing" I keep having pop up in my searches too. How does that work?
 It turns out you have to have the money to back your project. I don't have that option, so it looks like I had better go with finding an agent.
 Two months of half-assed searching came to an end. I am getting closer and I have no doubt it will be finished. Instead of finishing it and figuring out what to do, it feels better to do that part when I don't feel like writing. It's not like I don't have the time!
 This means it's time to find an agent. Blind searching turned up Agentquery, which led me to a couple of other sites I can't recall. Handy though because I get to learn the rules. Agents are so nit-picky! Easy to see why though. If I got thousands of books I'd be too. Their requests sound perfectly reasonable, but a few are very specific and use terms I do not know. I was in medical, not publishing. Who knows what an intracardial catheter is? No one in publishing unless they had to have one. The point is that I can not comply when I don't know what they want. Obviously a bad fit. Then comes along another monster I have to deal with...the dreaded Query Letter!