This strange obsession with typing has begun to get on my nerves! Honestly, hopes that the laptop would crash and never work again grow as my annoyance grows. Most of the time I swear I have nothing to do with it. It's happening, I see it, I am aware of it, but not really there for it. Who is this crazy-ass writing a book? I know, a space alien put a chip in my brain and it's controlling me! Okay, right. Yes, I actually thought this. Then a voice in my head sounding like Sheila told me to shut up because I was too distracting. So I did.
Once I reached 124 pages it was time to stop and see how it reads so far. Will ya' look at that! There is a pattern and side track stories are minimal, can even be shortened, but it's being told from a third person. Not a conscious decision on my part, but I really like it. Those books I chose to teach me my structure are coming in really handy! Good. No more thinking about any of the editing stuff now, just get the whole thing out and fix it later.It's telling the story of this beautiful paralyzed woman meeting a nurse that has been seeing her in his dreams for 20 years from a similar perspective of someone watching a movie and telling someone the full story in "bullet points". The only things being described are what is known and fact. That's the important part. No embellishment. This is a true story and needs to remain factual, or I can say "fuck it!" and delete it right damn now! No? Not allowed? Okay fine then! Do your thing,destiny, I'll stay out of the way. But if you're pulling a twisted trick on me I will choke your celestial ass out! Hopefully I will have enough material to reach around 180-200 pages. Fingers are crossed!
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Two Hearts Intertwined, One love One mind Eternal |